August 09, 2013

Sept. 11, 2013 - 6th Annual Bicycle Rally

Orillia's Active Transportation & Trails Advisory Committee is hosting the 6th annual Bicycle Rally on Sept. 11, 2013. Please gather in the parking lot behind Orillia's City Hall at 5:30pm - the bicycle ride will leave at 6:00pm.

This year we have a new route!

Starting at the parking lot behind City Hall, we will be riding north on Andrew to Mississaga Street. We then turn east on Mississaga and bike straight down to the waterfront, where we will leave the road and take the Millennium Trail down around Tudhope, and then back to City Hall following the same route.

As always, the purpose of the bicycle rally is to demonstrate that grassroots support for Active Transportation ideals exists in Orillia - i.e. that it should be at least as safe to walk and bicycle through a city, as it is to drive a vehicle through a city.
Although very few people, and few politicians, doubt the various merits of active transportation, progress in a.t. is slow because it remains a low priority for most civic leaders.
Events such as the bicycle rally are critical in demonstrating to municipal and provincial decision-makers that safe active transportation infrastructure is needed, and is needed right now.

To sum up, here are the key details for the Bike Rally (which is a relaxed and easy-going ride!):

  • Date = Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013
  • Gathering Time = 5:30pm
  • Departure Time = 6:00pm
  • Gathering Spot = Parking Lot behind Orillia City Hall
  • Route = Mississaga Street & the Millennium Trail to Tudhope Park

Also note:

- We will be following the rules of the road.
- Helmets are mandatory.
- Seriously consider bringing bikelights if you will be cycling home from the ride (the days are definitely getting shorter).

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