May 26, 2009

2nd Annual Orillia Bike Rally - Tues June 16

The quest to improve active transportation infrastructure in Orillia continues! Want sidewalks, bike lanes, and bicycle parking? Want to be able to safely walk or bike between any and all locations in Orillia (including across Highway 11)?

Make your voice heard by attending the 2nd annual Orillia Bicycle Rally on Tuesday June 16, 2009.

On Tuesday the 16th you are encouraged to walk or bike to work, and then join us after work for the bicycle rally, leaving at 6:00pm from the Couchiching Beach parking lot. The route is the same as last year - 10km through the northeast corner of the city. The route is described here if you would like the exact details.

The rally is not a race. It is a casual 10km ride to show support for active transportation initiatives. The route is mostly flat, except for the initial climb up Canice Street, and then a partial climb of Fittons on the way back to Couchiching Beach. If you need to get off your bike and walk up the two hills that's fine - ride leaders will be around to help you out. Last year approximately 100 cyclists attended. This year we expect even more people!

There are so many reasons why active transportation is important. Whatever your reason is, come out on June 16th and help us spread the word - bikes belong and walking beats driving.

Two final notes:
a) Helmets are mandatory.

b) Please bring your own water bottles!

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