The Trails for Life committee is hosting the third annual Orillia Bicycle Rally on
Wednesday, Sept. 22. The rally will leave from the Couchiching Beach parking lot at 6:00pm, and will once again travel along the 10km
route described here. Wednesday Sept. 22 will also be
Walk or Bike to Work day - Orillians are encouraged to use active transportation to travel to work or school on the 22nd.

There are so many reasons why cities such as Orillia need to invest time and money in active transportation planning. This recent
CBC article discusses some of the health benefits, but other benefits include cleaner air, less traffic congestion, greater focus on fighting climate change, and cost-savings (think of how much less you'd spend on gas if you were able to leave the car at home all week and only needed it for special trips on weekends).

Orillia is beginning to show that it is serious about joining the active transportation revolution. The city has hired an
active transportation consultancy group to write an Active Transportation Plan for the city, which will then be embedded in the city's Official Plan. The work will be done through fall 2010 and winter 2011, and will likely presented to city council this coming spring.
This is a very important bike rally to attend for two reasons!a) Show up and demonstrate to the people running for city council that active transportation is a key issue that the people of Orillia want to see addressed!
b) Members of the Active Transportation consultancy group will be on hand at the rally and will want to know what YOU THINK needs to be done to make it safer to walk and bike around this city.
If you have any questions, please send an email to the address under ABOUT ME on the right side of this page.