Both of these events are part of a campaign to raise awareness regarding the importance of active transportation (human powered transportation - for example, walking and cycling).

Sign Up!
We would like to get a rough estimate of the number of people participating in these events. To help us do this, please visit this page. If you agree that the development of active transportation infrastructure is important, and if you intend to participate on Sept. 10th, please click the "Sign The Petition" link at the bottom.
Walk and Bike to Work and School
On September 10th, we encourage everyone in Orillia to leave their cars at home and make their way to work or school on foot, bicycle, or inline skates. There are no official group rides or rendezvous points, but if you see a cyclist up ahead catch up and form your own bike gang!
For cyclists, please remember the following: Ontario law states that you must have a bell, and that everyone under 18 must wear a helmet. Additionally, cyclists are meant to ride in the right hand side of the lane, unless (due to broken pavement etc) they perceive this to be dangerous, in which case they can take as much of the lane as they wish.
For some safety tips, or a refresher on hand signals, check this page.

Bicycle Rally
After work or school, make your way down to the Couchiching Beach parking lot for the 6:00pm Bike Rally. We expect upwards of 75 cyclists to gather for this rally, and ride together in a show of support for the development of active transportation infrastructure. The ride will be a gentle 10km route through the north-east corner of the city, and at least one ride leader will be pushing his bike up the steep hills, so if you doubt your ability to pedal north on Canice Street, don't worry, you won't be the only one walking your bike.
We request that everyone wear a helmet, and that you bring your own water bottles. We will have water available, but no drinking containers will be provided. Exact route is described here.

Cities and towns across Canada and the United States are turning towards Active Transportation as an easy and cost-effective way to address problems such as climate change, illness caused by air pollution, gridlock, diseases related to inactivity (such as diabetes and obesity), and the steadily rising cost of oil and gasoline.
Join us on September 10th - put your fist in the air and say that bike lanes, wide sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, and bike parking posts are important to you.